She's sitting motionless beside the road, crying in pain for days people passby but no one help
According to The Moho, someone reported this poor dog was hit by a car two days ago and couldn't move her back legs.
She has clearly just given birth and is probably in distress at not being able to find her puppies. People pass by but no one helps her as she sits motionless along the road, crying in pain for several days.
A day later, they took her to the Animal Health Center, where she underwent x-rays to determine the extent of the injury resulting from the car collision.
Sinead's x-rays gave negative results. She does not suffer any fractures to her limbs or pelvis, but she did suffer a fracture to her spine, which affected the nerves in her back legs.
She was able to relieve herself and urinate in the shelter, so hopefully her functions won't be affected. Doc Gama, who performed the x-ray on her, feels that laser therapy has the potential to help her recover.
They will undergo intensive laser treatment for seven consecutive days. So they have to keep her there because it is very tiring for her to drive her through uneven roads every day.
Four days later, she is still receiving IV therapy and nutritional support to try to boost her red blood cells. She is also catheterized because she is having difficulty emptying her bladder. She continues to receive laser treatment on a regular basis.
It is in much better condition. She can now eat and drink on her own, and last night she had three bowel movements.
I had 9 laser treatments after 13 days and there was a significant increase in muscle and bone growth.
However, her spine, like Tink's, is still out of alignment, but we are hopeful that with more laser treatment, it will get stronger.
A month later, she's doing well, but vets aren't sure if Sinead will ever regain the use of her legs.
I hope you get a home! Praying for you! I hope you regain the use of your back legs! Love you Sinead!