After the surgery, she was left on that road in sadness and tears
I found a Balinese girl at the base of the bridge. After feeding her and asking for help, we brought Bali home and gradually discovered the brave girl's life history.
She prevailed against all odds and came home to live with me and her friends. Joy smiled at this wonderful girl.
Thank you for saving me, beautiful girl. you are an angel...
The same thing happened with the cat I rescued; I gave her some food to eat on the sidewalk and patted her back while she ate.
She looked at me with a look that broke my heart: “You've never shown me any affection before,” she said, “Today she's sleeping in my bed, being spayed, vaccinated, dewormed, etc.” Written in her eyes
You are the angel who saved her because she was a broken angel. Now she will always be loved and I sincerely appreciate your concern and love for her. I wish you well!