Meet Josephine, the dog known as "Pheenie," whose life took a tragic turn when her owner was deported, leaving her behind. Vinnie took refuge behind a shipping container in a junkyard, where she found minimal shelter from the scorching heat and pouring rain. For nine long years she lived on the crumbs and crumbs given to her by the sympathetic townspeople. But the burden of time eventually caught up with her.
Years of neglect and stress had taken a heavy toll on Pheenie health by the time she reached her later years. She was hit by a truck, which resulted in the loss of her right eye. In addition, she suffered from myelitis, worsening dental problems, a urinary tract infection, and painful breast tumors.
In this heartbreaking video, Hope For Paws volunteers go on a mission to save Pheenie from her desolate existence. Despite the challenges they faced, Pheenie felt help had finally arrived in her golden years. Her relief was evident as she hugged the rescuers, a mixture of sadness and gratitude filled her face.
Pheenie was placed into a permanent care program to cater for her increased medical needs. For five glorious months, she lived a life of joy, love, and carefree moments on a sprawling farm. In her foster home, Pheenie was cherished, pampered, and finally experienced the love she had denied her for so long. In the end, old age caught up with her, and she passed away peacefully.
Despite the hardships of her life, Pheenie final days were decorated with an abundance of love and compassion. She found solace in the arms of her caretakers, who ensured her twilight years were full of warmth and affection. Rest in peace, dear Pheenie.
Watch Pheenie harrowing rescue from the junkyard and her hilarious final months in foster care in the touching video below: